Friday, January 30, 2009


One Fear: The economy crashing. Is this the end of everything as we know it? You can't deny that all the efforts to save the economy might fail. I think it will be really hard for Americans to accept that they have to change their ways, and not be so obsessed with consumerism, having the coolest things there are to buy.... I'm still unemployed and in my city thousands are without jobs because of recent layoffs at all the major employers. It's not looking good.

One Love: Boots. I am accepting now that I can't buy them. I just love them.

One Quirk: I go through extremes of wanting to be social to wanting to hide away where no people go.

One Question: Why do some people feel the need to fill every silence? Even with mindless babble that really doesn't mean anything... it's like they can't stand hearing nothing. I happen to enjoy silences.

One Philosophy: Not all silences are awkward.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Call it Evil....

One Fear: I'm running out of fears. Hmm... Muggers? I tend to be too cocky and not think anything of walking down the street alone in the city at night, but then I'll get home and think "gee, that wasn't safe." I really should fear muggers a lot more than I do.

One Love: Tabasco Cheez-its. I love hot sauce. I love cheese. I love the crunchy stuff and it loves me.

One Quirk: Random quotations. I like quoting things. Especially movies, tv shows, books, songs.... pretty much anything. And most often when it's funny. I'm not very good at serious quotations. I probably can't quote Mohatma Ghandi when appropriate, but boy do I know how to quote Family Guy...

One Question: With what's considered to be normal and hardcore these days, and what was considered normal and hardcore a few decades ago, I wonder just what on earth they can come up with to top what we've got already, when I'm old and reciting my "back in my day" tales. Will death metal become more mainstream? Will pop stars just not wear clothes at all?

One Philosophy: Your car is an excellent place to sing. You have your own little space. All to yourself. You play whatever you like on your radio. You sing as loud as you want. Go ahead. No one is there to complain.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is the point where Winter loses her charm

One Fear: Anesthetics. I am terrified of not being in control, being knocked out, being numbed... anything of that sort. It makes me extremely terrified of surgeries as well. Luckily the only one I'll have to have anytime soon is one to remove my wisdom teeth. That's only a numbing process, right?

One Love: Hot Cider. I had it the first time sledding as a kid. I must have been 7 or 8 years old. I thought "Hot cider? How gross!" But drank it anyway because it was hot and I was cold. And it was delicious. One of many luxurious drinks in the world.

One Quirk: I change my mind way too much.

One Question: Why does it cost so much to get your car washed in those automatic car washers? Those places must make a fortune. And their workers make minimum wage.

One Philosophy: Don't make promises that are impossible to keep.

Friday, January 23, 2009

boredom is a killer

One Fear: A death I can't see coming. Like a pulmonary embolism, or sudden heart failure, or a brain aneurysm... I also fear going to sleep and just not waking up again. It's probably why I have such issues sleeping at night.

One Love: Autumn. I wish the season were 3 times as long as it is. The weather is perfect. The scenery beautiful. And I am always in my highest spirits in Autumn, but yet sad knowing that the cold ugly winter is coming.

One Quirk: I started smoking because I actually liked the taste of tobacco. Crazy, yes. But if you have the right cigarette it is a nice luxurious smoke. And it enhances the flavor of coffee. I do not smoke regularly, however. I know it's bad for me. But so is soda, and caffeine, and drinking booze, and driving, and cholesterol, and stress.... yeah. It's such a crime to have a cigarette now and then.

One Question: Why is it that I never have an amazing good streak? I'm either just getting by or all the shit is falling on my head at once.

One Philosophy: When all else fails, quote Family Guy.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thinking of changing the title to "Five Daily"

My goal is to be more consistent with posting in here. I obviously missed a few days....

One Fear: Living a normal life. You know, the life of a house wife with kids, working at a job I hate, living in a place I hate. Not doing anything extraordinary. The thought of it suffocates me.

One Love: Bubble Baths. Luxurious. Foamy. Hot. Wet. What's not to love?

One Quirk: I forget faces. I do this in many forms. One is that I meet people and forget about them a few days later. The other is that I'll be in a group, I remember what was said, but not who said it. It's like everyone is interchangeable in my mind...

One Question: Why do some men feel the need to constantly pursue a woman who has made it very clear she has no interest in them whatsoever, and never will? It doesn't up your chances. It does the opposite. The more you pursue it, the more they're going to hate you anyway.

One Philosophy: Think before you speak. Don't be like George Bush.

Monday, January 19, 2009

First post.

One Fear: Ferrets. Never could figure out why, never could talk myself out of this fear.

One Love: Deathstars. Swedish Industrial Glam-Metal band. Only three albums ever made, all amazing.

One Quirk: I always need coffee in the morning (or whenever it is that I wake up). Other caffeinated substitutes do not work.

One Question: What ever happened to the series The Nine Lives of Chloe King? There were 3 books and the third wasn't very conclusive, and it's been a few years since that one was published.... I hate it when they never finish the story!

One Philosophy: Avoid drama at all costs. It's so draining, and such a waste of time.