Friday, January 23, 2009

boredom is a killer

One Fear: A death I can't see coming. Like a pulmonary embolism, or sudden heart failure, or a brain aneurysm... I also fear going to sleep and just not waking up again. It's probably why I have such issues sleeping at night.

One Love: Autumn. I wish the season were 3 times as long as it is. The weather is perfect. The scenery beautiful. And I am always in my highest spirits in Autumn, but yet sad knowing that the cold ugly winter is coming.

One Quirk: I started smoking because I actually liked the taste of tobacco. Crazy, yes. But if you have the right cigarette it is a nice luxurious smoke. And it enhances the flavor of coffee. I do not smoke regularly, however. I know it's bad for me. But so is soda, and caffeine, and drinking booze, and driving, and cholesterol, and stress.... yeah. It's such a crime to have a cigarette now and then.

One Question: Why is it that I never have an amazing good streak? I'm either just getting by or all the shit is falling on my head at once.

One Philosophy: When all else fails, quote Family Guy.

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