Sunday, January 25, 2009

Call it Evil....

One Fear: I'm running out of fears. Hmm... Muggers? I tend to be too cocky and not think anything of walking down the street alone in the city at night, but then I'll get home and think "gee, that wasn't safe." I really should fear muggers a lot more than I do.

One Love: Tabasco Cheez-its. I love hot sauce. I love cheese. I love the crunchy stuff and it loves me.

One Quirk: Random quotations. I like quoting things. Especially movies, tv shows, books, songs.... pretty much anything. And most often when it's funny. I'm not very good at serious quotations. I probably can't quote Mohatma Ghandi when appropriate, but boy do I know how to quote Family Guy...

One Question: With what's considered to be normal and hardcore these days, and what was considered normal and hardcore a few decades ago, I wonder just what on earth they can come up with to top what we've got already, when I'm old and reciting my "back in my day" tales. Will death metal become more mainstream? Will pop stars just not wear clothes at all?

One Philosophy: Your car is an excellent place to sing. You have your own little space. All to yourself. You play whatever you like on your radio. You sing as loud as you want. Go ahead. No one is there to complain.

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