Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thinking of changing the title to "Five Daily"

My goal is to be more consistent with posting in here. I obviously missed a few days....

One Fear: Living a normal life. You know, the life of a house wife with kids, working at a job I hate, living in a place I hate. Not doing anything extraordinary. The thought of it suffocates me.

One Love: Bubble Baths. Luxurious. Foamy. Hot. Wet. What's not to love?

One Quirk: I forget faces. I do this in many forms. One is that I meet people and forget about them a few days later. The other is that I'll be in a group, I remember what was said, but not who said it. It's like everyone is interchangeable in my mind...

One Question: Why do some men feel the need to constantly pursue a woman who has made it very clear she has no interest in them whatsoever, and never will? It doesn't up your chances. It does the opposite. The more you pursue it, the more they're going to hate you anyway.

One Philosophy: Think before you speak. Don't be like George Bush.

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